If you’ve ever taken a pre workout you’ll understand the sheer power of these potent supplements. When it comes to hitting the gym for a PR breaking strength workout or shaving a few minutes from your rowing sprints, there’s no better nutritional support. The result is a stronger, faster, more powerful athlete who’s gym workouts never fail to deliver. In this article we take a look at a popular energy drink and sometimes pre workout ingredient taurine. Why is it added to some supplements and is it an effective nutrient for exercise performance? Let’s find out… What is Taurine? Taurine...
You can get a supplement for just about every aspect of your life. From boosting strength and muscle mass, to speeding up fat loss and brain power – even hangover cures and cognitive enhancement for exam revision. If you want to improve it, you’ll find a drug or nutrient to meet your needs. In terms of exercise there are two main categories of supplements – pre workouts and post workouts. In this article we take a look at the main differences between the two – from the nutrients that make up the supplement, to the effects they have on your...
Get a pre workout in your routine and your workouts will never be the same again. Not only will you feel motivated and energized, your strength. endurance and power will be unparalleled. On the days when you’re lifting heavy or you’re gearing up for a tough interval session then this supplement is your key to blistering all-round performance. Occasionally we get asked if pre workouts are addictive. Could pre workouts really leave you depending on them? Is getting amped up for an effective gym session using a supplement really a gateway to habit, compulsion or obsession? In this article we...
Gainzville used to be the bro's dream – a place to hit the weights and make big gainz, without any haters. But all that changed after Zombie Roid Monsters appeared out of nowhere...these things aren't natty like the real bros. They fuarked up our gym, and now no-one's mirin'... Luckily, we have 4 Gauge – an explosive pre-workout, to help you Load Up Your Guns: • Intense Muscle Pumps – Blow zombies apart with your pumped up guns. • Extended Stamina - Run around these Zombie Roid Monsters for days. No time for sleep bro. • Explosive Power – Throw some...